Are your portable air conditioners dirty or smelly?

Isn't it blowing cold enough?

I solve it!

Can't find the right one?

You have already contacted everyone, but no one accepted the task? If they undertook, did they just spray it with a spray that you can buy in the store? Didn't the dirt disappear even after "cleaning"?

What do I do differently?

I disassemble the device to gain easy access to the important parts and completely clean it of dust, mold and other stuck-on dirt, which have a bad effect on health and the life of the machine.


In the following two-minute video, you can get an insight into what air conditioners look like before and after cleaning. As proof, I'm also making a video about cleaning your portable air conditioners so you can see what happened.

The cleaning process

Portable air conditioner cleaning in Budapest


After ordering, I will arrive at the location at the pre-arranged time. I do not clean the air conditioner on site, but take it with me.


The device receives a complete cleaning, i.e. after disassembly, I clean the heat exchangers, fans, and electrical parts from stuck dust, greasy dirt, possibly mold and fungus. I work with a special air conditioner cleaner and water, so the air conditioner is guaranteed not to blow unhealthy vapors after the cleaning.

Operation check

After cleaning, I will carry out a test operation, during which I will make sure of problem-free operation. In most cases, in addition to the fact that the device will not spread bad quality air in the room, it will also work with better efficiency, since the deposited dust will not hold back the structure in its efficient operation.

Home delivery

I will deliver the finished air conditioner packaged and returned to you at the pre-arranged time.






Klíma tisztítás otthon

What was in it…

they said about us

6 vélemény:
Judit Révész
Judit Révész
Fantasztikus precizitással, pontossággal és korrektséggel találkoztam. Az udvarias viselkedés és a lakás tisztaságára való odafigyelés már igazi európai stílus. Mindenkinek szívesen ajánlom!!
Vereczkei Éva Mercédesz
Vereczkei Éva Mercédesz
Pontos érkezés,precíz tiszta munka,nagyon elégedett vagyok az elvégzett munkával.Látszott a hozzáértés,csak ajánlani tudom!
Schüszterl Ferenc
Schüszterl Ferenc
Nagyon elégedettek voltunk a szolgáltatással. Előre megbeszéltük az időpontot, mivel csúszás volt, erről előre kommunikáltak, nem kellett várni és várni, hogy megérkezzen a szakember. A tisztítás alapos volt, ugyanakkor semmi kosz, vagy felfordulás nem volt, ahogyan azt ígérték is. Biztos, hogy a következő szezonban is őket választjuk! Csak ajánlani tudom!
Gabriella Gazda
Gabriella Gazda
Pontos, kedves, precíz munkatársak! Köszönet érte!
Tímea Nagy
Tímea Nagy
Nagyon elégedett voltam, jövőre is rájuk bízom a klímám tisztítását! A Kollégájuk végtelen kedves, alapos, precíz, pontosan érkezett és semmit sem kellett utána takarítanom, mert odafigyelt, hogy ne hagyjon a munkájával koszt. Mindez a mai világban ritkaság. Mindenkinek tiszta szívből ajánlom Őt!
Máté Török
Máté Török
Tökéletes választás volt a klímatisztításhoz, jövőre is őket fogom hívni. Mindenkinek ajánlani tudom, profi és precíz munkát végeztek!
Fehér Ádám
Fehér Ádám
Radiátorokat tisztították ki. Nagyon szép munkát végeztek, profi csapat. Ajánlom mindenkinek.
Kati Eszli
Kati Eszli
5 éve használunk klimát a házunkban. Minden évben hívtunk szakembert a tisztítás miatt de ilyen alapos munkát eddig még egyetlen cég, vállalkozó nem végzett. Többé nem fogok mást hívni. Mindenkinek szívből ajánlom.

Why do I do it?

I’m sick and tired of customers being ripped off who trust the cleaner to do their job to the best of their ability. Unfortunately, the lazy attitude causes the air conditioners to have a shorter lifespan, and what’s worse, human health is also put at risk by the work not done thoroughly. More than one apartment, house or business has been called after an early summer cold or pneumonia.

How to order the portable air conditioner cleaning?

  • At the bottom of the page there is a contact element, where you have to enter some data and describe in the message which times are good. Of course, you can also book an appointment by phone.

What does the price contain?

Unlike many cleaners or installers, my quoted price does not include hidden costs, which are revealed after the work. The customer must always pay the advertised price, not a HUF more.

Complete portable air conditioner cleaning

  • Complete cleaning dust and degreasing, removal of pathogens
  • Operation optimization for quieter and more energy-saving operation
  • Cleaning of coverings ensures a clean, germ-free surface
  • Disassembly and assembly Fixing minor disassembly problems
  • Door-to-door delivery I take it to my workshop, where I clean it, and then deliver it to your home.
  • The prices shown are for private customers. We charge VAT for corporate clients. We do not charge VAT for foreign companies with EU tax numbers (for more information, please call or email)

Let's get in touch

I am available by phone and email, feel free to message or call me!

    I always test the device on site to make sure it works properly. That is why, after I have left the location after checking the perfect functioning of the device, I will not accept complaints.
    Cancellation of the appointment booked for air conditioning cleaning in the 48 hours before the work will result in a cancellation fee of HUF 5,000 per air conditioner, which (if I am available) can be included in the cleaning fee if a new appointment is made within a week. If the cancellation takes place at the location of the work, the client is obliged to pay a non-refundable fee of 8,000 HUF per air conditioner.